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1 There are 2 versions of the 212cc Harbor Freight Predator motor. This picture of the valve covers simply shows you which version you have. Click "Buy" to view larger picture. $0.00
D-CL1-10.8G Dyno Cams Valve Spring - 10.8 lb spring - Green stripe - heatreated - springs are sold individually (fits 196cc, 212cc, 224cc) $3.50
D-CL1-10.8R Dyno Cams Valve Spring - 10.8 lb spring - Red stripe - custom fit - heatreated - springs are sold individually (fits 196cc, 212cc, 224cc) $3.50
D-CL1-17 Dyno Cams Valve Spring - 17 lb Spring - springs are sold individually - use as a cheater spring instead of the 10.8 lb (fits 196cc, 212cc, 224cc) $2.00
D-CL1-22 Dyno Cams Valve Spring - 22 lb Spring - springs are sold individually (fits 196cc, 212cc, 224cc) $3.00
D-CL1-26 Dyno Cams Valve Spring - 26 lb Spring - White Stripe - springs are sold individually (fits 196cc, 212cc, 224cc) $3.00
D-CL1-32 Dual Valve Spring Kit - Dyno Cams - 32lb spring pressure (fits 196cc, 212cc, 224cc) $25.00
D-CL1-36 Dual Valve Spring Kit - Dyno Cams - 36lb spring pressure - green stripe (fits 196cc, 212cc, 224cc) $28.50
D-CL275 275 Dyno Cam - .275" Lift - Modified Cam - .550" main journals - Max RPMs 7500 - also need 26 lb springs (fits all: 196cc, 212cc - does not fit 212cc Non Hemi Predator) $110.00
D-CL308 308 Dyno Cam - .308" Lift - Modified Cam - .550" main journals - Max RPMs 8400 - also need 32 lb springs (fits all: 196cc, 212cc - does not fit 212cc Non Hemi Predator) $110.00
D-CL310 MOD1 Dyno Cam - .310" Lift - Modified Cam - .550" main journals - Max RPMs 9000 - also need 36 lb springs (fits all: 196cc, 212cc - does not fit 212cc Non Hemi Predator) $110.00
D-CL356 356 Dyno Cam - .356" Lift - Modified Cam - .550" main journals - Max RPMs 9000 - also need 36 lb springs (fits all: 196cc, 212cc - does not fit 212cc Non Hemi Predator) $110.00
D-CLONECL1 CL1 Dyno Cam - Improved grind - Stock Class - .550" main journals - Max RPMs 6500 - intake .224" lift - exhaust .230" lift - also need 10.8 lb springs (fits all: 196cc, 212cc - does not fit 212cc Non Hemi Predator) $45.00
D-CLONECL2 CL2 Dyno Cam - Stock Class - .550" main journals - Max RPMs 6700 - intake .224" lift - exhaust .230" lift - also need 10.8 lb springs (fits all: 196cc, 212cc - does not fit 212cc Non Hemi Predator) $45.00
D-CLONECL2-R2 CL2-R2 Dyno Cam - Stock Class - .550" main journals - retarding by 2 degrees gives more top end power than the CL2 - Max RPMs 6700 - intake .224" lift - exhaust .230" lift - also need 10.8 lb springs (fits all: 196cc, 212cc - does not fit 212cc Non Hemi Predator) $45.00
D-CLONECL3 CL3 Dyno Cam - Stock Class - .550" main journals - Max RPMs 6900 - intake .224" lift - exhaust .230" lift - also need 10.8 lb springs (fits all: 196cc, 212cc - does not fit 212cc Non Hemi Predator) $45.00
D-CLONECL4 CL4 Dyno Cam - Stock Class - .550" main journals - Max RPMs 7100 - designed for NKA rules - buffed lobes - intake .224" lift - exhaust .231" lift - also need 10.8 lb springs (fits all: 196cc, 212cc - does not fit 212cc Non Hemi Predator) $50.00
D-M-BP2 BP2 Dyno Cam - Builders Prepared Class - .550" main journals - Max RPMs 7300 - Duration 246 Intake, 246 Exhaust - .224" Intake Lift, .231" Exhaust Lift - also need 22 lb springs (fits all: 196cc, 212cc - does not fit 212cc Non Hemi Predator) $55.00
D-M-CM CM Dyno Cam - Stock Class Cheater Cam - .550" main journals - Max RPMs 7500 - Duration 236 Intake, 236 Exhaust - .265" Lift - also need 22 lb springs (fits all: 196cc, 212cc - does not fit 212cc Non Hemi Predator) $55.00
D-M-CS CS Dyno Cam - Stock Class Cheater Cam - .550" main journals - Max RPMs 7300 - Duration 226 Intake, 236 Exhaust - .265" Lift - also need 22 lb springs (fits all: 196cc, 212cc - does not fit 212cc Non Hemi Predator) $55.00
D-M-MOD2 MOD2 Dyno Cam - Builders Prepared Class - .550" main journals - Max RPMs 7300 - Duration 246 Intake, 246 Exhaust - .225" Intake Lift, .231" Exhaust Lift - also need 22 lb springs (fits: 196cc Clone) $55.00
D-M-MOD2H MOD2 Dyno Cam - Builders Prepared Class - .550" main journals - Max RPMs 7300 - Duration 246 Intake, 246 Exhaust - .225" Intake Lift, .231" Exhaust Lift - also need 22 lb springs - inside edge of exhaust lobe is machined to clear the crankshaft (fits: 212cc Hemi) $60.00
D-PRED308 308 Dyno Cam - fits 212cc Non-Hemi Predator - .5575" main journals - .308" Lift - Modifed Cam - Max RPMs 8400 - also need 32 lb dual spring kit $110.00
D-PREDCL1 CL1 Dyno Cam - fits 212cc Non-Hemi Predator - .5575" main journals - Stock Class - Max RPMs 6500 - intake .224" lift - exhaust .230" lift - also need 10.8 lb springs $45.00
D-PREDCL2 CL2 Dyno Cam - fits 212cc Non-Hemi Predator - .5575" main journals - Stock Class - Max RPMs 6700 - intake .224" lift - exhaust .230" lift - also need 10.8 lb springs $45.00
D-PREDCL3 CL3 Dyno Cam - fits 212cc Non-Hemi Predator - .5575" main journals - Stock Class - Max RPMs 6900 - intake .224" lift - exhaust .230" lift - also need 10.8 lb springs $45.00
D-PREDCL4 CL4 Dyno Cam - fits 212cc Non-Hemi Predator - .5575" main journals - Stock Class - Max RPMs 7100 - designed for NKA rules - buffed lobes - intake .224" lift - exhaust .231" lift - also need 10.8 lb springs $50.00
D-PREDCM CM Dyno Cam - fits 212cc Non-Hemi Predator - .5575" main journals - Stock Class Cheater Cam - Max RPMs 7500 - Duration 236 Intake, 236 Exhaust - .265" Lift - also need 22 lb springs $55.00
D-PREDMOD2 MOD2 Dyno Cam - fits 212cc Non-Hemi Predator - .5575" main journals - Builders Prepared Class - Max RPMs 7300 - Duration 246 Intake, 246 Exhaust - .225" Intake Lift, .231" Exhaust Lift - also need 22 lb springs $55.00
P224-275 275 Dyno Cam - .275" Lift - Modified Cam - Max RPM 7500 - also need 26 lb springs - .550" main journals - clearanced between the lobes and feature narrow lobes, these modifications allow for rod clearance due to the 58mm stroke (fits: Predator 224cc, Tillotson 224cc) $125.00